Hazardous Substance & Environmental engineering solutions
Hazardous substance & environmental engineering issues. Abstel-Glyde have designed, certified and implemented numerous hazardous substance and environmental solutions for hazardous substances including flammable gas and liquids, oxidisers and toxic substances including acids and alkalis through from hazardous substance classes 1 to 9.
It pays to be mindful of how the actions of your team, may be affecting your environmental compliance and your financial exposure. Abstel-Glyde have years of experience working with numerous clients, to minimise and reduce the exposure that businesses have through hazardous substances and the environment; in fact, we have provided apt and intuitive hazardous substance & environmental engineering solutions to numerous clients in Australia and New Zealand, and are committed to helping them to further reduce the likelihood of environmental or hazardous substance issues that their actions may incur. Check out how we can help you today by getting in touch with our team via the phone or online. Or, explore the wide range of ways we can help you minimise environmental risk and your financial exposure, listed below.
How can we help minimise hazardous substance & environmental impact?
Our professional engineering team has significant experience and skills in areas including:
- Environmental Impact Reports
- Resource Consent detailing
- Hazardous substances
- Hazardous Analysis
- Hazardous Zoning diagrams
- Emergency Response Plans
- Waste Treatment
- Effluent Treatment
- Geotechnical testing and design
- Civil Engineering services
- Air testing and Purification
- Fume collection and scrubbing
- Dust collection